Rabu, 14 Desember 2011

Benefits of Soursop Fruit as Medicine Cancer, Diabetes, etc.

In addition to the juice is useful as an ingredient, it turns out soursop has many health giving properties. One of them cope with cancer.
Of research scientists, soursop is great for keeping and overcome health problems. Such as heart problems, liver disease, asthma, arthritis and the most astonishing soursop can overcome various kinds of cancer.
Anticancer Soursop plant parts, including leaves and fruit, contain a compound that is quite valuable, such as fructose, fat, protein, calcium, phosphorus, iron, vitamin A, vitamin B Secondary metabolites contained in it is a compound class of tannins, phytosterols and alkaloids.
A compound of interest to researchers is asetogenin. This is a specific compound contained in the plant tribe Annonaceae, which properties are closely related to anti-tumor activity, anti-bacterial and insecticide.
From the research, asetogenin contained in soursop can be used to hit colon cancer cells, pancreatic, ovarian, colon, breast, liver, cervix.
Another study with animal experiments do suggest the presence of the antioxidant activity of compounds content of soursop. If it is true, then the efficacy of anti-cancer one of which relates to the ability of compounds to protect healthy cells from damage that triggers the attack cancer.
In traditional Indian medicine system Ayurveda, the soursop has a formidable reputation as an anticancer. Support research results prove, leaves of this plant contain compounds called bullatasin asetogenin of other Annona fruit crops, namely Annona atemoya.
This compound was found to induce apoptosis. Asetogenin other compounds, namely murisin, murikatetrosin, longifolisin, korossolin and korossolan proven to give positive results as cytotoxic against tumor cells.
Overcoming diabetes One of the interesting use of the attention of researchers is to control blood sugar levels rise aka diabetes. This type of research to prove efficacy as anti-diabetes is quite variable so that its mechanism of action are slowly beginning to be revealed. A study conducted to prove the working mechanism of antidiabetic soursop leaf extracts proved the presence of islet cell regeneration in mice pancreas gland. The results were promising, the use of leaf extracts can improve the function of insulin-producing glands as necessary diabetics.
Processing and Use A simple way to consume fruit is a smooth soursop fruit is peeled, seeded and filtered by adding water little by little. Screening results can then be directly consumed by the addition of honey to overcome slightly sour taste. The addition of sugar and honey is not recommended in patients with diabetes, therefore must seek to love the original flavor of soursop fruit. For people who experience stomach upset, it is advisable to fill the stomach beforehand to prevent the disease.
Pregnant and lactating women are advised not to consume boiled soursop leaves, but eat enough fruit soursop still be allowed .*

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